We are here to remember an amazing soul, Madison Kimberly Nelson (AKA: MADNESS). It touches our hearts to see her friends and family visit her memorial site and we appreciate other loved ones’, love and condolences that were unable to attend her memorial.
Everyone here knows how unique Madness was and we loved her for it. Madison was more than just a sister to me. She was my first best friend, my first partner in crime, my first “role model” and my first arch nemesis. I will always remember the days when Madi, Tay and I would cause a ruckus around the neighborhood. We would record our own radio shows, blast music as loud as the speakers would allow and create pacts none of us could repeat. Most of the time the girls would pick on me but I didn’t mind as long as I was included. As we got older, we only became closer. I’ll never forget when I would drag Madison outside and make me practice baseball and football until you couldn’t even see the ball and longer. She hated it but she knew how much I enjoyed it. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have become the athlete I was. I will never forget the drive she instilled in me. Madi made me promise to never give up, dream big and to not take shit from anybody. This went further than just sports, I have carried those words with me, my whole life. I wouldn’t be the same person standing before you if it wasn’t for my Madison. She had that impact on so many people and she always wanted to.
My mother raised Madi and I as a single mother. It wasn’t always easy and lord knows we were a handful for her. The connection between us never wavered no matter the time nor the distance between us. Madi and my mom always had a special relationship. Their bond wasn’t always so apparent to everyone but, I always knew how special it was, seeing it from an inside view. You could take one look at Madi and know for certain she was my mother’s daughter. They had the same laughter at times. The same kindness and compassion, and I am pretty sure Madi got that scowl, she was so good at, from our mom. I could go on about my mom and my sister but, what I can summarize from it all, is by knowing how much Madi loved and admired our mother. Mom, Thank you for creating such a beautiful human that we will all miss dearly.
My sister was unlike anybody I have ever met. Madison had such a beautiful soul and never had to try. It’s just who she was deep down. She absolutely loved to help people in need. For the past few years, Madi had been working at the Salvation Army and always told us how much joy it brought her to be working there and what great friendships she developed over the years. Another passion of hers was music. Madison was so musically gifted. It was her way to communicate and let out all the feelings she had inside. Madison could pick up any instrument and she wanted and teach herself how to not only read the music but, to play it like she was born to because; she was meant to. Madi would write music and lyrics and I would find tid bits of her creations written on whatever was closest to her at the moment. It takes a brilliant mind for one to have the talent to do this all themselves, she was blessed and we all should feel blessed to have had her in our lives.
I can safely say, all our lives will never be the same without Madison. I miss you so very much but, I promise you; we will never forget you. You are my heart and my soul; and I will continue to thrive to be the man you always wanted me to be. You are so loved and a hole will forever be burned in our memories and in our hearts.
Born Weird.
As weird as the grass grows
As weird as the wind blows
'Cause you're born weird
We love you with all our hearts, Madison.