David Barry Nau, age 71 years, of Medford, Oregon, passed on Wednesday Oct. 18, 2020 of natural causes.
He leaves behind three sons: Sean, Adam and Timothy. His older brother, Richard and his wife Kathy as well as his sister Kristen and her mother, Maryann share the grief of this unexpected loss. David, predeceased by his sister Diane, his mother Ruth, and father Dr. Otto S. Nau Jr., faced life's challenges with bravery and courage and in doing so brought his inherited unending love of art to the center of his life. From his first job, creating a stellated dodecahedron for a local artist to his time at Pratt Institute he demonstrated the insights and skills that unfolded throughout his career as an industrial and commercial display and design artist. However he never left his love of painting far behind. His many canvases reveal a wide range of interests, most of which looked at the impact of landscapes on our daily lives.
As a father, brother, and husband his compassion and love of life shall be remembered by those who were touched by his life. To honor him, his family asks you to see the beauty all around you in the natural world.